Week 14 StoryLab
For this week I again choose to look into the TV tropes website to see what kind of genre staples I could find that I didn’t even know existed (or had a name for). In the past, one of the things I noticed the most was how the most basic of information had a trope surrounding it, things I didn’t even realize were tropes. This week, I choose to look into Media and what tropes exist there. More specifically, I choose to look into “New Media”. What I found there was highly interesting. The first one that I saw (and that annoyed me the most that it exists) was the ‘New Media Are Evil’ trope. Where it’s basically the Ok, Boomer of TV tropes, where the older generation will always be opposed to certain aspects of media/technology that is advancing forward. It’ll happen with our generation too, there’s always going to be people who are somewhat afraid of progress/too stubborn to move forward with it. In modern society, especially, we like to demonize media today (sometimes for good reaso...