Famous Last Words: Thoughts on my hard classes

For my Famous Last Words assignment, I’m going to talk about how my other classes have been going, because (like so many others right now) I’m pretty stressed about them. My only two hard classes that I have had this semester are Physical Chemistry II and Principles of Biochemistry.

Let me talk about PChem II. My biggest issue right now is that the professor really doesn’t seem to care about actually teaching the subjects to the students, simply writing/reading notes out loud during class apparently classifies as teaching for him. The subject is already extremely hard, so one can easily imagine how I’m feeling while attempting to teach the information to myself right before the tests. Thankfully, I’m right at the average percent score for the class, so I’m honestly not sure where I’ll finish for the semester. Thankfully, the growth mindsets that I have been reading this semester have been helping me somewhat cope with this class. I’ve been trying to grow from my mistakes within the class, but at the same time, it’s hard to even care about the mistakes when you have absolutely no passion for the class itself. Hopefully I can finish out the semester somewhat strong in there.

My other class, Principles has definitely been an interesting experience. The professor cares about us actually learning the subject, mainly because he is so passionate about it. The class has definitely been hard, but the first couple of tests were manageable. However, unfortunately, the final that is coming up on Tuesday seems like it is going to be a lot harder than it has been in the past. I just need to keep my head up, making sure I’m hitting the grindstone, with a major focus on what I’ve been doing in the past since it has been working out well for me.

Image result for finals free domain pictures"
Source: CCO Public Domain


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