Learning Challenge: Getting good sleep for success

This week I decided to delve into the Learning by H.E.A.R.T. which I think is absolutely amazing. I decided to delve into the first thing that I saw on the website which was the article, “An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep”. I absolutely agreed with almost every point that was made within there. I’ve always been a huge proponent of sleeping and how important it is to doing well within your classes. I can proudly say, as a senior in college, that I have never had to pull an all-nighter (not that I would even want to). That’s just me, however, some people can focus extremely well at night, and if they’ve procrastinated enough (a not very healthy thing to do) studying all night can actually help them. Other than just sleeping itself, sleep can keep you happy and healthy. Think to last time you got extremely little sleep – you weren’t as alert the next day, you probably had a shorter fuse, and your work overall was probably slacking. Sleep is just SO GOOD for you – getting a solid 8 hours is a must for me. Not only does it help me process information, but it is also a good prevention method for not getting sick. If I don’t sleep very well for a long time, I’ll start to get ill. I’ve always known that you don’t want to sleep too late on the weekends because of how it’ll make you feel for the rest of week. Overall, this week’s lesson from the New York Times on happiness was well worth the read!

Illustration by Gracia Lam


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